Practice Redesign Isn’t Going To Erase The Primary Care Shortage

The largest problem the health system faces in the next decade is the retirement of the baby boom primary care physicians, just in time for boomers enrolling in Medicare and millions of newly covered by health reform. Younger physicians are not entering primary care because it pays so poorly. Can we design new primary care models to alleviate the impending shortage, or is something more fundamental required?

Health Care: An Alternate Economic Universe

While the US economy continues to labor to create new jobs, the health system has added over a million jobs since the beginning of the recession, despite falling physician office visits, hospitalizations, etc. What gives? Is health care an alternate economic universe?

MedPAC’s SGR Solution: Bad Medicine For A Chronic Problem

In a failed Congressional experiment with “global spending caps” on physician services, US physicians ended up owing Congress and the Medicare program over $300 billion. The Congressional advisory panel MedPac issues a flawed proposal for cleaning up the so-called Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) mess.

The Fallen Souffle Economy

Continued economic troubles may be bringing healthcare’s three decade long run to an end. Can the health system adjust to scarcity?

Marooned in the Horse Latitudes

The US economy languishes while the health system continues adding jobs. Are the two phenomena related? Is America marooned in the horse latitudes?